Number One: I have started a Cleaning Calendar in Google calendars. One thing about not having a set schedule is that it seems like the work is never-ending. Housework sucks because you have to do the same things over and over. It seems like I JUST cleaned something and now it needs doing again (needs done...tee hee). but guess what? I THINK I clean something more than I really clean it. So for now I'm using the CC as more of a Cleaning Journal. Keeping track of what I do each day. Eventually I might schedule things to tackle on specific days, but right now it's more of a TA-DA list and a reality check.
Number Two: I am culling cookbooks and deciding what to put back into the kitchen. These have been sitting in a ox for 2 months, and some up in a hard to reach cabinet for a LOT longer than that. I went through a couple church/girl scout/fundraiser cookbooks and only saved the pages with recipes I think sound good. Also came up with 5 recipes to make during the next week or two and added their ingredients to my shopping list. Now off to the store. It's almost pathetic how good it feels to do this!
avocado and egg toasts
10 years ago
just to clarify, the recipes have not been sitting in an OX for 2 months. yuk